Welcome to the CCC MemberSpace! Here you will find updates and information for CCC Members of Loyalist Country Club.
If you have a community member or volunteer you think should be recognized, we would be happy to hear about it! Email Evan in Administration at: [email protected] to nominate them.

Current CCC Member Activities:
Happy Bookers Book Club:
Meets every first Monday of every month. Contact Vernanne Ahern for more information on joining this Book Club.
Fairways Book Club:
Meets every second Monday of every month. Contact Joyce Friesen for more information on joining this book club.
Loyalist Bridge Club:
Loyalist Bridge ♣️♦️❤️♠️
Every Wednesday afternoon a group of neighbours from our community play bridge, and have for more than 30 years. Bridge on Wednesdays is a great opportunity to challenge your skills while enjoying time with your neighbours. In addition to our Wednesday games, we added a session of bridge lessons and practice bridge sessions last year. We would love to have you join us for bridge regardless of your skill or experience.
New to bridge:
-Signup for beginner lessons
-An 8 week session that will provide you with enough knowledge to play the game
-Each session will provide concepts, a review of previous lessons and all the important changes to practice
-Coaches will be on hand to answer questions and provide guidance
-Notes and a final “Cheat Sheet” are provided
-There may be minimal costs for supplies
I’ve played before but I’m rusty:
– Join our practice sessions on Thursday afternoons at 2:30pm
-Coaching is available
-“Cheat Sheets” are provided and we encourage you to use them
– There is no cost for these sessions
I can Play:
-Join our Wednesday group
-Need a partner? Just let us know as we usually have someone available to pair with you.
-We throw a loonie in the pot each week to provide prize money and to pay for supplies.
-The biggest prize is the bragging rights!
Signups can be accomplished by emailing [email protected]. Looking forward to seeing you across the bridge table…… Loyalist Bridge Club
Texas Hold’em Poker
Meet weekly on Wednesday’s at 1 pm in the clubhouse.
Contact Gary Tackaberry for more informaiton.
Billiards is weekly on Tuesday’s at 9:30am to 11:30am and Thursday’s 1:30pm to 3:30pm in the Games Room.
Knitting Knewbies
Interested in learning to knit? Join us for 4 lessons with some of our community’s knitters.
No need to purchase supplies as needles and scrap wool will be provided for practice
Lessons will be at the clubhouse on Tuesday and Thursday mornings for two weeks starting October 15th at 10:30.
Imagine knitting a warm, cozy hat just in time for winter….
Let us know if you want to join us by emailing [email protected].
🧶 Crochet Lessons(& Knitting Group)
Beginning Tuesday, January 7th at 10:00 am, Jane Rodgers has offered to teach any member interested in learning how to crochet and how to read a crochet pattern.
Lessons will be Tuesdays and Thursdays for two weeks. If you have crochet cotton or some wool and a crochet hook (size 4 or 5 preferred) bring them along. If not we will have extras you can use to learn
Healthy Hearts
Healthy Heart forms are available in the office. Classes ranging Monday to Saturday during the mornings. Visit administration for more information.
Bone Builders
Last April, Paul Jepson and Janice Firth ran a trial exercise program called Bone Builders. Over 60 people took part; everyone really enjoyed the sessions and thought that this would be a good addition (not a replacement) to the Healthy Heart program.
As a reminder, the Bone Builders Program was developed using research conducted by Tufts University and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This program is designed to decrease the risks of osteoporosis and prevent further deterioration of the bones in people who already have the disease.
In a follow up survey, the Clubhouse requested volunteers to help run this program. Just one individual volunteered. We would like more; ideally there would be a total of four volunteers to allow for vacations and other occasions when a leader is not available.
As with Healthy Heart, volunteers do not need to be health care or physical fitness professionals.
As a further reminder, the version that we shall be doing requires participants to stand or sit on a chair with (optional) weights. There are no exercises which are on the floor. This will surely be of interest to those who have difficulty getting down and then back up. Exercises are done slowly with no sudden movements.
Please consider offering to help out by volunteering as a leader. You can respond by contacting Talia or sending an e-mail to [email protected]. Paul is already committed as a Healthy Heart leader but has all the documentation and a PowerPoint presentation which he would share with potential leaders. It would be a shame if this program could not start due to a lack of leaders.