- 2023 Mens League Schedule of Events
Men’s Golf League – 2023 Schedule
Date Starting Tee Times1 and additional information Game May 2 Men’s tee times start 8:30am Net Stableford May 9 Men follow Ladies tee times Approx. 9:00am tee times Good, Bad & Ugly May 16 Men’s SHOTGUN starts 8:30am Men’s Luncheon 1:00pm Scramble with Team HC May 23 Men follow Ladies tee times Approx. 9:30am tee times 2-Man Best Ball May 30 Men’s tee times start 8:00am Medal Play June 6 Men follow Ladies Shotgun 8:30am tee times Net Stableford June 13 Men’s tee times start 8:00am Chicago June 20 Men’s SHOTGUN 8:00am Men’s Luncheon 1:00pm GUEST DAY See reverse June 27 Men follow Ladies tee times Approx. 10:00am tee times Medal Play July 4 Men’s tee times start 8:00am 2-Man Best Ball July 11 Men follow Ladies Shotgun 8:30am tee times Good, Bad & Ugly July 18 Men’s SHOTGUN 8:00am Men’s Luncheon 1:00pm Scramble with Team HC July 25 Men’s tee times start 8:00am Medal Play Aug 1 Men follow Ladies Shotgun 8:30am tee times Net Stableford Aug 8 Men’s tee times start 8:00am Chicago Aug 15 Men’s SHOTGUN 8:00am Men’s Luncheon 1:00pm Florida Scramble Aug 22 Men follow Ladies tee times Approx. 9:30am tee times Medal Play Aug 29 Men’s tee times start 8:00am 2-Man Best Ball Sep 5 Men follow Ladies Shotgun 9:00am tee times CAPTAIN’S CUP DAY Team Cumulative Net Sep 12 Men follow Ladies tee times Approx. 10:00am tee times Net Stableford Sep 19 Men’s SHOTGUN 8:30am Men’s Luncheon 1:30pm Scramble with Team HC Sep 26 Men’s tee time 8:30 am Medal Play Oct 3 Men’s tee times start 8:30am Net Stableford Oct 10 Men’s Shotgun 1:00pm Closing dinner 6:00pm CLOSING DAY Scramble with Team HC Inclement Weather Policy
Should the Captain in consultation with the Pro, decide the weather is sufficiently bad to cancel the scheduled game, an email will be sent to all members, hopefully an hour before the scheduled start time. For the hardy golfer who still wishes to play, he can play a Net Stableford. Fill out a normal score card and have it attested at the end of the round and leave it in the Locker Room. Prizes will be determined by the number of participants.
Scramble Teams select best drive on each hole, everyone hits 2nd shot from the same spot and process is repeated until ball is in the hole. Maximum number of drives per player is 5 for a 4-man team (including par 3’s). For a 3-man team, maximum 7 drives per player + Phantom Player is allowed one ´do over’ (drive, fairway, or putt) per hole. Rotate Phantom Player each hole. {Team Handicap determined by 20% of Player A (lowest HC) + 15% of Player B (2nd lowest HC + 10% of Player C (2nd highest HC) + 5% of Player D (highest HC).}
Florida Scramble Same as above however in a Florida Scramble, the twist is that the player whose shot is selected doesn’t get to play the next shot. So, in a Florida Scramble with teams of four, all four players tee off, the best shot is selected, then only three players hit their second shots. The better of the second shots is selected and the player who hit it sits out the third shots; and so on until the ball is holed. Team Score is the best net score on each hole. Phantom ball for 3-man teams, minimum 4 drives per player + Phantom Player is allowed to play entire hole. Rotate Phantom Player each hole. Handicaps apply.
2 Man Best Ball Play own ball using full handicap. Team score based on best net score of a player on the hole.
Member – Guest Day – 2 Man Best Ball/2 Man Cumulative Net
A 2-man team both with GO Handicaps will play a 2 Man Best Ball. Each player will play own ball. Team score based on best net score of a player on the hole.
For 2-man teams where only one player has a GO handicap, the handicapped player will play own ball and record gross score (with an Equitable Score maximum per hole), then deduct their handicap to determine a net score for the round. The non-handicapped player will play own ball and record gross score (maximum double par on any hole) – their handicap will be calculated, after the game, using the Callaway Scoring System – both net scores will be added together to establish a team score. The Callaway System is a handicap algorithm designed to provide a handicap estimate based on one round of play. The Callaway ‘handicap’ can then be used to calculate a net score for that round. COST: Guest Green Fees $55 & ½ Cart Rental $22, CCC Members’ Guest $49.50 & ½ Cart $20. All prices include taxes.
Captain’s Cup Day – Team Cumulative Net Score Participants are placed into 3 or 4 teams (flights) based on handicap. Play own ball, record gross score for each hole then deduct handicap from overall 18-hole total to determine net score. Net scores are aggregated by flight to determine the winning team. To improve pace of play, the maximum number of strokes on any hole will be 10. Each team (flight) will tee off together with a block of tee times.
Net Stableford Play own ball, record gross and net score per hole and apply applicable points for the Net score (4 for eagle, 3 for birdie, 2 for par, 1 for bogey). Add up Stableford points for the round. To improve pace of play, a player may pick-up when their number of strokes matches or exceeds their maximum Equitable Score for the hole.
Good, Bad & Ugly Play own ball, points awarded based on net score per hole, 3 points for eagle, 2 for birdie, 1 for par, 0 for bogey, minus 1 for double bogey or worse.
Chicago Players play their own ball. Players start by subtracting their handicap from 39 to get a points Target. Players then accumulate points (4-eagle, 3-birdie, 2- par, 1-bogey) and compare the total to the Target points.
(A 12 handicap player would have a target of 39-12= 27. If the player accumulates 31 points his score would be +4.)
Medal Play Individual stroke play using full handicaps. Record Gross score on each hole and Net score for the round. The field will be divided into 2 Flights based on Handicaps. Maximum 10 strokes on a hole. Do not pick up when ESC maximum reached for a hole. No gimmies allowed for this game – putt everything in. Low Net prizes in each flight.
Please carefully read the following email. It can have a significant impact on your scoring.
You may or may not be aware that after studying the scores submitted at Loyalist for 5 years, the Golf Association of Ontario changed the stroke index (SI) ranking of the holes to more accurately reflect the holes’ difficulty. This happened last year. Of the 18 holes, the SI was changed on 14 holes. The SI determines on which holes your handicap applies; eg, if you have a handicap of 12, you would receive a handicap stroke on SI holes 1 through 12. The changes are as follows:
Hole#: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Old SI 11 17 1 13 9 7 5 15 3 18 8 2 16 14 12 4 6 10
New SI 9 15 1 13 11 5 7 17 3 16 12 4 18 10 8 2 6 14
The management of the course has determined that new scorecards reflecting the new rankings will not be used until the current stockpile of printed cards are used up. However, the new rankings are already inputted into the Golf Canada online scoring system. Therefore, based on the direction received from the Loyalist Handicap Committee, the Men’s League will only use the new SI rankings for all weekly events and scheduled competitions eg., Singles, Pairs and Shark Shootout. For all Men’s League events, only use the scorecards provided by the Men’s League Games’ Convenors. Additional blank scorecards will be placed in a receptacle by the Men’s League bulletin board in the Men’s Locker Room for use during competitions and inclement weather Tuesdays.
If you have any questions please ask. Remember, using the new SI scoring is not optional. Submitting a signed scorecard using the wrong SI could result in disqualification.
Ed Kotelniski
Captain, Loyalist Mens League
- Hole in One – Prizing
Loyalist Men’s League Policy
Subject: Hole-in-One Prizing Scenario: All of the Par 3s have a “Closest to the Pin” challenge, the winner receiving a prize funded by a hole sponsor.The current league budget had $300 set aside to fund Hole-in-One prizes. When a member of league gets a Hole-in-One during a Tuesday Men’s League game, there is a prize awarded. If the Hole-in-One occurs on the same hole as a “Closest to the Pin” challenge, the issue arose as to whether the player should receive both the “Closest to the Pin” prize as well as the Hole-in-One prize.Typically, in the excitement of this rare event, the player or his playing partners will record the Hole-in-One on the “Closest to the Pin” marker and remove the marker from the green and subsequent players will not record their proximity to the hole. Policy: A Hole-in-One during a Tuesday Men’s League game, on a Par 3 that has a “Closest to the Pin” challenge will result in the player receiving both prizes.In the event of a hole-in-one, the player or his playing partners will record the Hole-in-One on the “Closest to the Pin” marker and remove the marker from the green and subsequent players will not record their proximity to the hole unless a second hole-in-one is scored in which case the second player will record his name also on the marker.The number of Hole-in-One prizes that can be awarded during a season will be determined annually by the committee, based on the projected budget.If the annual Hole-in-One prizing allocation is exhausted (current limit is 4 holes-in-one), the player will only receive the sponsor award for “Closest to the Pin”. Notes: The policy is to be posted on the Men’s League web site and bulletin board to avoid any confusion/disappointment. Approved by: Men’s League CaptainMen’s Committee Date: 12 April 2023 - Tie Breaking Policy 2023
Loyalist Men’s League Policy
Subject: Tie Breaking Policy Scenario: After an individual or team competition, either the individuals or teams are tied. Policy: For an 18-hole competition, the following tie breaking procedures will be used:Individual or team with lowest back 9 score will win.If a tie still persists, countback from 18, 17, 16, etc. until tie is broken. For a 9-hole competition, countback from 9, 8, 7, etc. until tie is broken. Notes: The policy is to be posted on the Men’s League web site and bulletin board to avoid any confusion/disappointment. Approved by: Men’s League CaptainMen’s Committee Date: 12 April 2023